The Tinder Swindler Has Signed With An LA Agent And Wants His Own Dating Show. A Pure Swindler Move

This guy has been talked about a ton and we did a doc review about him on Dogwalk this week. Just an unbelievable sociapath that found a way to do the two things he loves most, fuck bitches and get money, without...ya know...telling the truth or working one single second of an honest job. 

For his next trick, he is going to prove how desperate people are for love and money and fame and those sweet sweet HelloFresh ad deals on instagram. After going to jail, stealing hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, and ruining the lives of women across the globe, he wants a dating show where he can do the whole thing again but get paid to do it instead of running an elaborate ponzi scheme of love. 

If you build it they will come and there is no doubt they will come. Casting agents will have auditions with lines down the street of gorgeous women ready to have their lives ruined by serial liar. Which probably isn't that much different than the normal dating scene in LA. Everyone has an agent. Everyone is posturing. Everyone is saying they're a big shot. Everyone is driving around in a mercedes S-class while living in a Long Beach studio with no furniture. Now our boy Simon gets to do the same thing. Even if he doesn't get the show, he can talk about how his agent is in talks with Netflix, Hulu, MTV, and whoever else while he walks around in gucci slippers and drives a Bentley leased by his ex-girlfriends. "Just look at this New York Post article" he'll say. "I've signed", he'll tell them. "It's a bidding war right now, but my enemies are trying to get me canceled so if you could just lend me a small bit of walking around money, say...20 grand, I'll hit you back when we officially sign. The show is going to be huge"...and on and on the scheme goes. This doc is going to be the best thing that ever happened to him. Made him actually famous. Might make him actually rich. Definitely going to get him more girls who want to be the ones to reform the bad boy. The scheme of all schemes. 

Full dogwalk ep here

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